11 research outputs found


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    A partir da experiência na produção e realização de uma Mostra de Música Negra vinculada ao NEABI (Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros e Indígenas) e ao Curso Técnico em Instrumento Musical do IFRS - campus Porto Alegre, a equipe apresenta uma série de reflexões decorrentes do vivenciado, desde a submissão do projeto junto ao edital de Auxílio Institucional à Extensão Ações Afirmativas 2021 até a sua prestação de contas e encerramento. Serão abordados aspectos referentes à visibilidade, ao alcance, ao impacto, ao ineditismo da iniciativa bem como às dificuldades de viabilidade e ao descompasso entre itens do edital. Busca também dar destaque a determinados modos de funcionamento das instituições de ensino que de alguma forma reproduzem, reforçam, atualizam o chamado racismo estrutural, mesmo que nos últimos anos muito se tenha avançado. Ao final, aponta sugestões, renova convicções, procura diálogo com pares e fomenta esperança

    Nitrogen supply method affects growth, yield and must composition of young grape vines (Vitis vinifera L. cv Alicante Bouschet) in southern Brazil.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate yield and chemical composition of the must in grapevines subjected to Nitrogen (N) supply methods in sandy soils. The vineyard cultivar was ?Alicante Bouschet? (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on 1103 Paulsen rootstock, in southern Brazil. The treatments consisted of the application of 20+20 kg N ha−1 without irrigation (NWI), 20+20 kg N ha−1 followed by irrigation (NFI), 20+20 kg N ha−1 via fertigation (NF), 20 kg N ha−1 via fertigation (½NF), and a control (C) without N application. The study was conducted during four crop seasons. Leaves were collected at flowering and veraison to determination N concentration. Stem diameter, grape yield and its components were determined. In the must were evaluated the total soluble solids (TSS), pH, total titratable acidity (TTA) and total anthocyanins (TA). The concentration of nitrate and ammonium in soil solution was determined. N application followed by irrigation or N supplied via fertigation provided to the vines larger stem diameters and leaf N concentrations, in most crop seasons. Grapevines submitted to N application via fertigation or followed by irrigation presented higher yields than conventional application without irrigation, and between two and three times higher than the control. N supply methods little affected total soluble solids contents. The application of N to the soil, regardless of the N supply method, decreased the anthocyanin concentration in the grape must, due to the dilution effect on the pulp/skin ratio, promoted by the yield increase

    estudos artísticos

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    O tropicalismo arranca em 1967, através do corpo: a música de Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil, os vestíveis de Hélio Oiticica, as propostas teatrais de José Celso Martinez Corrêa e os cenários de Hélio Eichbauer. Hoje as coisas são um pouco mais complexas. Em tempo de redes sociais, os aspirantes ao poder fazem uso da sua imediatez para suscitarem reações epidérmicas, superficiais, populistas e de grande instantaneidade. A boçalidade triunfa nas caixas de comentários, e com mais alguns perfis falsificados podem manipular-se plebiscitos, movimentos secessionistas, ou, e também censurar-se exposições de arte. Nesta variação do fascismo, a epiderme eletrificada das redes sociais estrutura-se como uma poderosa arena onde se aparenta uma falsa democracia. Talvez a arte continue a ser um reduto para reflexão, mas vemos que a censura se manifesta hoje de modo talvez mais eficaz, silenciando artistas e professores, através da pressão mediatizada, da emoção do momento. Para isto é necessária a atenção consciente da arte, dos artistas, e também dos arte-educadores: enfrenta-se uma massa cada vez mais informe, alienada e despojada de reflexão para além do imediato.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação volumétrica em meningiomas: um estudo comparativo entre os métodos linear, planimétrico e semiautomatizado de aprendizado de máquina (machine learning)

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    Os meningiomas são os tumores intracranianos e do sistema nervoso central mais frequentes. A medida do volume desses tumores tem implicações terapêuticas e prognósticas. O objetivo deste trabalho é promover um estudo comparativo entre os métodos de volumetria: linear (ABC/2), planimétrico e semi-automatizado com aprendizado de máquina (machine learning) com a técnica de morfometria baseada em voxel (VBM, do inglês voxel-based morphometry). Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo de um banco de dados coletado de forma prospectiva no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro entre Janeiro de 2012 e Abril de 2019 e na Universidade de Indiana (Indianápolis, Indiana - Estados Unidos da América) entre Novembro de 2010 e Abril de 2021. Para a análise, pacientes com diagnóstico de meningioma e uma ressonância magnética de crânio foram selecionados. A população incluída foi 65 pacientes acometidos por 77 tumores. As medianas dos volumes calculados pelos métodos linear (17,77 cm³ [intervalo: 0,21 – 163,74 cm³]), planimétrico (24,63 cm³ [intervalo: 0,39 – 196,2 cm³]) e VBM (16,37 cm³ [(intervalo: 0,2 – 190,31 cm³]) foram estatisticamente diferentes (p < 0,001). A mediana do erro entre os métodos linear e o VBM foi 5,76%, enquanto entre os métodos planimétrico e VBM foi 11,68%, sendo superestimados em ambos os métodos. Os estudos de correlação mostraram excelente confiabilidade e concordância entre os métodos. Os métodos linear e planimétrico tendem a superestimar o volume tumoral comparado com o método VBM, entretanto ambos apresentam excelente confiabilidade e concordância, podendo ser utilizados na prática médica.Meningiomas have the highest incidence rate among all primary intracranial and central nervous system tumors. The volume measurement of these tumors have therapeutic and prognostic implications. The objective of this paper is to promote a comparative study between methods of volume estimation: linear (ABC/2), planimetric and semi-automated with machine learning using the voxel-based morphometry (VBM) technique. It is a retrospective study of a database collected prospectively at the Antônio Pedro University Hospital between January 2012 and April 2019, and at the Indiana University (Indianapolis, Indiana - United States of America) between November 2010 and April 2021. For the analysis, patients with a diagnosis of meningioma and a magnetic resonance imaging study of the brain were selected. The final study population was composed of 65 patients and 77 tumors. The median of the volumes calculated by the linear method (17,77 cm³ [range: 0,21 – 163,74 cm³]), planimetric method (24,63 cm³ [range: 0,39 – 196,2 cm³]) and the VBM method (16,37 cm³ [range: 0,2 – 190,31 cm³]) were statistically different (p < 0,001). The median error between the linear method and the VBM was 5.76%, and between the planimetric and VBM was 11,68%, showing an overestimation by both methods. Correlation studies showed both methods present excellent reliability and agreement. The linear and planimetric methods tend to overestimate the volume of the tumor compared to the VBM method, however both present excellent reliability and agreement, and can be used in clinical practice.27 f

    Effects of reprocessing on chemical and morphological properties of guide wires used in angioplasty

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of the reprocessing technique of enzymatic bath with ultrasonic cleaning and ethylene oxide sterilization on the chemical properties and morphological structure of polymeric coatings of guide wire for regular guiding catheter. METHODS: These techniques simulated the routine of guide wire reprocessing in many hemodynamic services in Brazil and other countries. Samples from three different manufacturers were verified by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. RESULTS: A single or double sterilization of the catheters with ethylene oxide was not associated with morphological or chemical changes. However, scanning electron microscopy images showed that the washing method was associated with rough morphological changes, including superficial holes and bubbles, in addition to chemical changes of external atomic layers of polymeric coating surfaces, as detected by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy method, which is compatible with extended chemical changes on catheter surfaces. CONCLUSION: The reprocessing of the catheters with ethylene oxide was not associated with morphological or chemical changes, and it seemed appropriate to maintain guide wire coating integrity. However, the method combining chemical cleaning with mechanical vibration resulted in rough anatomical and chemical surface deterioration, suggesting that this reprocessing method should be discouraged

    Efeitos do reprocessamento nas propriedades químicas e morfológicas de fios-guia usados em angioplastia

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of the reprocessing technique of enzymatic bath with ultrasonic cleaning and ethylene oxide sterilization on the chemical properties and morphological structure of polymeric coatings of guide wire for regular guiding catheter. METHODS: These techniques simulated the routine of guide wire reprocessing in many hemodynamic services in Brazil and other countries. Samples from three different manufacturers were verified by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. RESULTS: A single or double sterilization of the catheters with ethylene oxide was not associated with morphological or chemical changes. However, scanning electron microscopy images showed that the washing method was associated with rough morphological changes, including superficial holes and bubbles, in addition to chemical changes of external atomic layers of polymeric coating surfaces, as detected by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy method, which is compatible with extended chemical changes on catheter surfaces. CONCLUSION: The reprocessing of the catheters with ethylene oxide was not associated with morphological or chemical changes, and it seemed appropriate to maintain guide wire coating integrity. However, the method combining chemical cleaning with mechanical vibration resulted in rough anatomical and chemical surface deterioration, suggesting that this reprocessing method should be discouraged.OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência das técnicas de reprocessamento de banho enzimático com limpeza ultrassônica e a esterilização com óxido de etileno nas propriedades químicas e estruturas morfológicas de revestimentos poliméricos de fios-guia usados como guias em cateteres regulares. MÉTODOS: Estas técnicas simulam a rotina de processamento de fios-guia em muitos serviços de hemodinâmica do Brasil e de outros países. Amostras de três diferentes fabricantes foram verificadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X. RESULTADOS: Uma única ou dupla esterilização dos cateteres com óxido de etileno não foi associada a mudanças químicas ou morfológicas. Contudo, imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostraram que o método de lavagem foi associado a intensas modificações morfológicas, incluindo bolhas e buracos superficiais, assim como mudanças nas ligações químicas das camadas atômicas externas do revestimento polimérico, conforme demonstrado por resultados de espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X, compatível com extensas modificações químicas induzidas por esse processo de lavagem. CONCLUSÃO: O reprocessamento dos fios-guia de cateteres com óxido de etileno não está associado a mudanças químicas e morfológicas dos mesmos e pode ser considerado adequado para manter a integridade destes materiais. Entretanto, o método que combina lavagem química com vibração mecânica resulta em intensas deteriorações anatômicas e químicas, sugerindo que esse método de processamento deve ser desencorajado.331337Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams?

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    Nutrient and pesticide pollution are widespread agricultural stressors. Fungicides may affect freshwater fungi, which play an important role in litter decomposition (LD), whereas moderate nutrient enrichment can stimulate LD. We examined potential interaction effects of nutrients and fungicides on decomposer communities and LD in a 14-day two-factorial (fungicide and nutrient treatments) mesocosm experiment. Fungicide exposure was limited to 4 days to simulate episodic contamination. Only the microbial community responded significantly to the experimental factors, though non-significant increases >20% were found for invertebrate decomposer weight gain and LD under high-nutrient conditions. Fungal community structure responded more strongly to fungicides than sporulation. Sporulation responded strongest to nutrients. Bacterial community structure was affected by both factors, although only nutrients influenced bacterial density. Our results suggest effects from fungicides at field-relevant levels on the microbial community. Whether these changes propagate to invertebrate communities and LD remains unclear and should be analysed under longer and recurrent fungicide exposure. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The Rhineland Palatinate fishing association provided facilities used at different stages of this study. The study was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (grant number: SCHA 1720/3-1), the European Regional Development Fund-Operational Competitiveness Programme (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-013954) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/BIA/04050/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio